Tuesday 20 December 2022

Thursday 12 May 2022

Story of sanskrit. The Story of Script. Story of Semites.

Story of sanskrit is also the story of script. Semites under Abraham go to Egypt. Semites rape a tall kemeti woman in Egypt. Kemetis are the local caste of Egypt. Slavery ensues. Semites learn script, phonetics, salt extraction, importance of gold and the gold economy and also making mirrors while in slavery. Later on, the Semites escape slavery under Moses. They teach script to everyone in middle East gaining the name Phoenicians in the process. Script is stolen property. Moses, the prophet of the Semites writes down Semitic history and first five books of the Old Testament. Semites teach script to others in middle East and extract their ethnic property. They then again distribute the extracted ethnic property harvest. 

Semites train the hindu priests of bramans in India in the tradition of teaching script to everyone and extracting from them, their own ethnic property.   Brahmans teach Amara Simham from Komati caste king from Palnadu region near Guntur in coastal Andhra Pradesh, the Telugu Brahmi script. And also teach him lots of words. He concocts Sanskrit vocabulary from brahmin words using the Amara family paddhati or paradigm namely tala- kayam- thoka (head, body and tail) of word creation. This paddhati later on in English became prefix- root word- suffix paradigm. The word paradigm is also created later using word creation paddhati. Paddhati means paradigm or method. Paddhati, vidhanam and taraha all are synonyms in telugu language. 

The suffix -am in sanskrit language means Amara. Same went into Latin. The suffix -um in Latin and in the English word lithium mean Amara only. Amara means everlasting.

Language is more important than script but without theft of phonetic script there is no theft of Sanskrit from Amara Simham. Amara Simham is the author of the Sanskrit Dictionary: Amara Kosam. 

Kemetis are victims of their current priests the Semitic race of Arabs in that they stole script from them. Currently kemetis are muslim. 

Komatis too are victims of their current priests the brahmin caste (i.e. race) in that they stole the word creation method and Sanskrit from Amara Simham of landlord family of Amara in Palnadu, then king of the Komati caste. 

The suffix -um in telugu, sanskrit, Latin and english means amara. Amara in turn means "everlasting. "

Amara color is purple. 

Amaravathi is the temple of Amara vamsam. It is a Dravidian temple. 


Semites go on to steal the religious concepts of soul -afterlife & hell and heaven and monotheism from Zoroastrianism during Persian Slavery.


About the Semites:

1. For Muslims, all muslim women and non Muslim women are soulless animals who must be whipped mercilessly. All women born on earth go to hell. Houris Or pearly white virgins in heaven are not earthly women. 

Arabs are pujaris of Islam. 

2. Abraham the Semite was the founder of Abrahamic tradition which includes Judaism and which later branched out into Islam and Christianity. 

Semites (either Jews or Arabs) were raped and murdered by Egyptian empire, Persian empire, Roman empire, Mongol empire,  Hitler's third reich, British Empire, Soviet Russia. For Semites, entire creation is 6000 years old only. Their mythology operates in a limited time frame. 

3. Story of the Semites. 

Noah's descendant Abraham was the first prophet. He started a religious tradition called Abrahamic tradition which later morphed into and developed as Judaism. Later Christianity and Islam came out of Judaism just as Buddhism and Jainism came out of Hinduism. 

4. Who are the Semites? 

Semites are descendants of a man called Shem who is their ancestor. Semites include Jews, Arabs and also other Semites such as the Phoenicians. Both Jews and Arabs are descendants of the same ancestor named shem. 

Today shem's descendants occupy 30 countries namely the arab league plus Israel. 

5. Israel Arab conflict is essentially a family dispute. 

6. Semites raped a tall Egyptian or " kemeti caste" woman in Egypt. Slavery and caste gangrape ensues for Semites. Semites steal script and mirror and gold extraction and salt extraction and uses from kemetis of Egypt. 

7. All Semitic men and women were raped by Egyptian kemeti people or Pharaoh's army.

8. All Semitic men and women have sticky genetic genital cancer. This is ajooba Or miracle. Sticky genetic cancer means if Semites, both Jews and Arabs, marry out of caste, their genetic cancer won't go away but both sons and daughters get genital cancers. Semitic men or Arab men and Jewish men have Penis cancer. Semitic women on the other hand have cervical or womb cancer.

9. Abrahamic faiths. 


Circumcision. Circumcision - Wikipedia

Penile cancer


FGM and infibulation

Cervical or uterine cancer. 

Female equivalent of male semen is cum. 

Masturbation is strictly forbidden. 

Hell is eternal. 

Hell has fiery flames. 

Heaven has pearly white women, perfumes and poetry. 

Jihad is Religious war. Jihad is compulsory duty  of every muslim

Purpose of jihad is conversion. 

Kafir means non Muslim

Muslim means believer and is opposite of kafir. 

Icon and idol worship is banned in Islam

If kafir convert  then jihad is to stopped. 

Jihadi view of the world is dichotomous, either you belong to dar ul Islam or the Islamic world or dar ul harb, ther realm of war. 

10. The curse of Ham. In Judaism, Christianity and Islam, blacks are born to Ham and hence called Hamites. Hamites are black because of the curse of ham. Ham anally- raped or sodomized his father Noah which resulted in him and his offspring being cursed to be black forever. This is the image of Black man in the Bible. 

11. David in English is Dawood in Arabic.

Abraham in English is ibrahim in Arabic. 

Dawood Ibrahim in English is David Abraham.

12. Isaac is double sided royalty. Being born of Sarah, queen of the Semites and of Abraham, king of the Semites. 

Ishmael is single sided royalty: Being  born to Abraham and Egyptian berber handmaiden Hagar. Ishmael however is eldest son of king  Prophet Abraham. 

13. Syed. Is descendent of Prophet Mohammed.

Khan.Mirza. Descendent of the Mongol king Genghis Khan.

14. Muslims esp Arabs don't have surnames. Exception is syed and syeda (female). 

15. Example of One caste many countries. 

 Arab League. Plus Israel. Arabs Have 29 countries for themselves. Plus One country ISrael is their brotherly country.

16. Another Example of One caste many countries. 

Mongols. Turkey, Hungary, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan and Mongolia belong to the Mongols. 

Genghis khan. World's greatest conqueror.


Attila the hun. 


Hulagu khan nearly exterminated Islam. 


17. Belly dance was invented by Semites to please Egypt's king, the Pharaoh while in slavery. 

18. Semites stole the religious concepts of soul, afterlife, heaven and hell and monotheism from Zoroastrianism when in Persian slavery. 

19. Meaning of prophet is " messenger of God." God  spoke to various prophets via angels. Most important angel is Gabriel or gibraan. (In Islam) 

20. Punishments in old Testament by God. 

Slavery, famines, earthquake, desert storms, 40 years roaming in the desert. 

21. Intelligence is banned in ISlam only blind belief is to be observed.

22. Muslim caste System in INdia.

Muslim caste system in the subcontinent is divided into

1. Ashrafis. Arabs, Iranis, Pathans, Turks and Mughals.

2. Aryan converts.

3. Dravidian converts.

4. Paki converts to Islam.


Caste system among South Asian Muslims - Wikipedia
