Thursday 12 May 2022

Komatis & Menarikam



Actual name of our community is Komati. Not Arya Vysyas or Vaishyas.
Komati is a Telugu word not at all related to any Sanskrit word like gomati etc.

Marrying uncle/ niece or one's own cousin is called inbreeding and is banned in many religions including Hinduism but all Dravidians go ahead with menarikam.
Menarikam and cousin marriage is considered actual incest only, in most of the world.
Menarikam is the chief community characteristic of all the Rakshasas or black skinned people i.e. Dravidian race castes. Even Lord Krishna (belonging to the Dravidian Yadava caste) in Mahabharat practices that.

Komati is a pure Dravidian caste with very high levels of horrible inbreeding in the form of Menarikam just like other Dravidian castes.
There must be an initially pre-existing disease only then menarikam increases the occurrence of the disease in the community. For other castes it is not a problem as long as diseases do not form.
Menarikam is the hallmark of the rakshasas. 
Menarikam is the primary characteristic of rakshasas.
Menarikam is totally and severely banned as per Manu Smriti and the Vedas. Rakshasas are black skinned people not some large demons.

Everybody do check Section 3 Clause G Sub-Clause (iv)  and also Section 4 of Hindu Marriage Act which explicitly prohibits menarikam under any situation.

3. Definitions
(g)"degrees of prohibited relationship " - two persons are said to be within the "degrees of prohibited relationship"-
(iv)if the two are brother and sister, uncle and niece, aunt and nephew, or children of brother and sister or of two brothers or of two sisters.
4. Overriding effect of Act.- 
(a) any text,rule or interpretation of Hindu Law or any custom or usage as part of that law in force immediately before the commencement of this Act shall cease to have effect with respect to any matter for which provision is made in this Act;

Currently Arya Vysyas are the only forward caste without domination in any area, district or even any field. All other forward castes dominate others in their areas.Our presence is nil in many fields particularly Movies (incl. production, acting and direction).
Because of the Constitutional Fundamental Freedom of profession, anybody in India is empowered to do business, that's the reason we lost our previous monopoly.

Komatis are Southern & Dravidian business TRIBE and there is no link to Northern Banias/ Vaishyas/ Guptas who are of Aryan Origin. Our Communities are different. How we came to be Vysyas (our spelling is different) is that Priestly caste people converted us to Vysya varna at the time of occurrence of Vasavi Puranam. Before that everybody was converted to Hinduism first. We are converted Vysyas only. Our real name is Komati and we are of Dravidian origin and descent unlike Bania and Marwaris who are Aryan Tribes who entered into and settled in India thousands of years back, along with Brahmins and Rajus

We do not have  glorious history to fill our hearts with pride like Yadavas or Kunbis. Moreover Gupta Empire and Mauryas are not Komatis. And we dont have reservations like Yadavs and Marathas.

We do not have domination in any field incl. our profession of business

Bapan domination has been challenged in isolated circumstances but not replaced. on the other hand Komati domination of business and economy has been greatly dismantled.

For most of us, caste is about religion and belief in some puranas but not about actual people, our very own brothers.

Fact vs Superstitions : 
Superstition no. 1 : Komatis are aryans, 
Fact No. 1 : Komatis are actually very black Dravidians. 

Superstition no. 2 : Komatis are vaishyas. 
Fact No. 2 : Komati is a Tega and vaishya not a professional organization.

Some people are so far away from reality that they think that our native language is Hindi and not Telugu.

There are some extra-intelligent people in our community who first call themselves Arya-Vysyas, then believe in the Indo-European theory which says Aryans and Europeans are same; and finally feel on behalf of Europeans. This is utterly shameful thinking and behaviour on part of Komati clan people.

Only reason for our former presence in Madras Presidency/ State legislature is that we were the majority in cities and urban areas. It is neither muscle power nor mob power nor any slave caste mobilization.

We should all together bring prestige to the name Komati instead of shirking away from asserting that we are Komatis.

If you want genetic proof that Komati is a single tribe, its not possible because the tests that are commercially available are paternity test (i.e. father test), but not clan tests. But a certain enzyme deficiency is there in our blood that is proof of common ancestry.

Not knowing about one self and ones ancestor is the hallmark of the lowest castes

There are no doras is our caste even if there are no beggars. There may be labourers in other landlord castes but they have lots of doras/ politicians/ actors. There are very few zamindars in our caste. Also compared to Brahmin karanam zamindars, we are very less in number or most of the times we are totally nil. 

Lot of Arya Vysya people have religious identity ("I am Hindu") but no tribe identity ("I am Komati"). Most of you anyways have sold off your souls and self to bapanas.

Braman worship : the pestilence in our caste.
Our people feel for bramans but bramans wont feel for us. Most of our caste  shamelessly works as if they themselves are Braman sevak samaj.

We lost monopoly on business due to Constitutional Fundamental Right guaranteeing freedom of profession i.e. right to do any business.

"Others have caste feeling so i will also have caste sentiment" is not  a valid reason for caste sentiment, caste sentiment has to be about our root ancestor.

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