Thursday 12 May 2022

R. V. Russell British Ethnographer Says

 a. Caste Meaning:

Caste means BREED.
The term caste is derived from the Portugese word "Castas" actually meaning "breed" (or lineage of people --- or species of animal). Caste is not Class. Caste is not any professional organization. On the contrary it is an ethnicity or tribe.

The English word "caste" derives from the Spanish and Portuguese casta, which the Oxford English Dictionary quotes John Minsheu's Spanish dictionary (1599) to mean, "race, lineage, or breed". When the Spanish colonized the New World, they used the word to mean a "clan or lineage."
c. Meaning of the word: Caste actually means all the people who descended from exactly one single common male ancestor called root ancestor. 

d. Implications for us to understand:

Physical characteristics or polikalu Or lakshanaalu such as Height, weight, color, strength, baldness depend on breed due to genes coming from ancestors, for all members of a caste. All genetic diseases also depend on caste and family due to genes from ancestors.

Only 200 genes (that is less than 1% of genome size) are different in all the people of the world. 
Caste unique genes are only 200 in number. 
Genome numerical size for humans is 20,000 to 25,000 genes. 

Y chromosome is a pyramid not just a lineage. 

e. Komatis claim that they are aryans only on the shaky & flimsy basis that they wear the sacred thread. There are lot of Dravidians (i.e. Rakshasa jatis also known as  shudra castes) who also wear the sacred thread like 1. Komati (black skinned traders from South India) 2. Kamsali or Viswabrahmin (goldsmiths) 3
. Padmashali (weavers) 


1) The Komtis claim to be of the same status as Banias and to belong to the Vaishya division of the Aryans, but this is a very doubtful pretension. Mr. Francis remarks of them:1 
Three points which show them to be of Dravidian origin are 
1. their adherence to the custom of obliging a boy to marry his maternal uncle’s daughter, however unattractive she may be, a practice which is condemned by Manu; 
2. their use of the Purānic or lower ritual instead of the Vedic rites in their ceremonies; 
3. and the fact that none of the 102 gotras into which the caste is divided are those of the twiceborn, while some at any rate seem to be totemistic as they are the names of trees and plants, and the members of each gotra abstain from touching or using the plant or tree after which their gotra is called.” 
4. They are also of noticeably dark complexion. 


(Vasavi's curse)
It is also said that she ordained that henceforth all Komtis should be black, so that none of their women might come to harm by being desired for their beauty as she had been. It is said that the caste look out for a specially dark girl as a bride, and think that she will bring luck to her husband and cause him to make money. Another explanation of their dark colour is that they originally lived in Ceylon, and when the island was set on fire by Rāma their faces were blackened in the smoke.
They wear the sacred thread and have castemarks on their foreheads. They usually rub powdered turmeric on their face and hands, and this lends an unpleasant greenish tinge to the skin.

By RV Russel British ethnographer 1915

2) Page 342 KoMTi
So also the custom of Menarikam (marrying one's maternal uncle's daughter), so common among the Dravidians, has become a rigid law among the Komtis, so that a Komti is obliged to marry his maternal uncle's daughter whether she is liked by him or not. Whatever claims, therefore, the Komtis may have to an Aryan origin, their uniformly dark complexion and coarse features, the totemistic character of their- exogamous sections and the existence among them of well preserved Dravidian usages lead to no other conclusion than that they are of Dravidian descent.
Vasavi Puranam: It was also resolved in an assembly that the headman of each family of Vaishyas should perish with the maiden (why?????) to save their caste from disgrace. (how?????). 
To expiate the sin of contravention of rule of menarikam, (incest!!!!!) they should feed brahmans. (why?????)
By Syed Siraj-ul-Hassan Nizam Ethnographer 1920

3) (Vasavi's curse) 
Finally, she invoked Brahma not to create thenceforth beautiful girls in the caste in which she was born, and prayed that in future they should be short of stature, with gaping mouth, disproportionate legs, broad ears, crooked hands, red hair, sunken eyes, dilated eyeballs, insane looks, broad noses and wide nostrils, hairy body, black skin, and protruding teeth.
When two Kōmatis whisper on the other side of the lake, you will hear them on this side. This has reference to the harsh voice of the Kōmatis. In native theatricals, the Kōmati is a general favourite with the audience, and he is usually represented as short of stature, obese and with a raucous voice.
By Sir Edgar Thurston British ethnographer (1910):

4) The Komatis are generally of middle height and of dark complexion.
They are proverbially known as lacking in courage both moral and physical, and are credited with an unusual share of that weapon of the weak: cunning and duplicity.
This girl who passed for an incarnation of Parvati, became the tutelary goddess of the caste and is worshipped under the name of Kanyaka Parameshwari. 
Vasavi's Curse:
Personal beauty having proved a dangerous quality, no woman of the caste should be born beautiful. It is generally held that this curse has stuck to the tribe completely. Perhaps it was invented to account for the observed fact of the scarcity of handsome women.
By : HV Nanjundayya Mysore ethnographer (1906):


5) The Gazetteer of Aurangabad, published in 1884:

The Lingayat Vanis and Komtis are darker-coloured and smaller men than the Vanis of north India; and they have, to a great extent been superseded as retail traders by the Gujaratis and Marwadis, especially by the latter.
The Komtis are Bannias or small traders, dealing in grain, cotton, sugar, and other products. They also do a little mercantile business as agents to saukars, and even take to agriculture but do not hold the plough. As a class, they are on a mere average as regards wealth although sometimes they become saukars, mahajans, bankers, etc. but this is rare, and they prefer to carry on their fathers� calling. They buy all the thread spun in the village, or what they can procure at fair, and dispose of them to weavers, taking the produce in cloths. Komtis generally speak Telugu, and employ Brahmans for marriage and death ceremonies.
The sub-divisions of the Vanis or Vaishya are included under the general heads of Khandeshi, Gujarati, Marwadi, and Lingayat. The Khandeshi Vanis are represented by the Kathars, who are nearly all in Kannad tahsil. The Gujaratis are chiefly in Aurangabad, Paithan and Vaijapur tahsils., the Lads in Paithan, Ambad, and Aurangabad tahsils., the Marwadis are very generally distributed, especially in Gangapur, Jalna, Aurangabad, and Ambad tahsils., the Agarwals are in Khuldabad, Sillod, and Gangapur tahsils: and the Jains in Ambad and Paithan tahsils. The Lingayat Vanis of southern India are most numerous in Jalna, Bhokardan, and Ambad tahsils., and the Komtis in the Aurangabad, Jalna, and Vaijapur tahsils. All classes of Vanis are vegetarians, and their staple articles of food are wheat, jowar, and rice. Some of the old settlers from Gujarat and northern India have adopted the Dakhani costume of dress, with sadi and choli for the females, and a large turban, a dhoti, a loose coat hanging down to the ankle, and a dupatta or rumal for the males. The majority however, adhere to north Indian dress. consisting of a peculiar distinctive turban for the males, and a petticoat, a long or short sleeves bodice, open at the back and a scarf thrown over all for the females.

6) Pseudocholinesterase_deficiencyFrom: Wikipedia:

Impacted Groups

Arya Vysyas

Multiple studies done both in and outside India have shown an increased prevalence of pseudocholinesterase deficiency in the Hindu Arya Vysya community. A study performed in Coimbatore, India, on 22 men and women from this community showed that 9 of them had pseudocholinesterase deficiency, which translates to a prevalence that is 4000-fold higher than that in European and American populations.

Watch: Vaishyas deficient in Anasthesia regulating Enzyme! - TV9

Watch: CCMB shocking study on Vysya community - TV9

7) ***** Proof of distinct and COMMON ANCESTRY for all Komatis: 


Different approaches employed in this study give support to the hypothesis of different origin and/or demographic story for the three Vysya groups compared with other populations of Andhra Pradesh.

8) Population Mixture (Inter-caste marriages) in India:
Acknowledgement Section:
"Indian groups such as Vysya and Chenchu that have a history of strong founder events in the past 100 generations" and nearly 3000 years. 
Discussion section 5th line last:
"For example, genetic analysis suggests that the Vysya from Andhra Pradesh have experienced negligible gene flow from neighboring groups in India for an estimated 3,000 years." 

  • Inter-caste and inter-racial marriages are known technically as population admixture. 
  • Inter-racial marriages result in people of mixed colors. Presence of white skinned people in Dravidian castes and presence of dark skinned people in Aryan castes is due to racial mixing i.e. inter-racial inter-caste marriages only, and not due to other factors like sun-tan.

    The claim to Vaishya status was contested, legally and otherwise, during the 18th and early 19th centuries, when Niyogi Brahmins opposed attempts by Vaidiki Bramhins to adopt the orthodox Vaishya rituals. Evidence of violent encounters between the powerful Mandri Mahanad alliance, controlled by the Niyogis, and the Vaidiki community were recorded between 1780-1820 in Masulipatnam, after which the matter was sent up to a civil court. The Vaidika (Vedic) Brahmin community supported the practices of the Komatis and, after much deliberation, the court allowed the practices to continue.

    • Komatis became vegetarians after conversion to Hindu religion's Vaishya fold. Vasavi Puranam which time the conversion occurred is an example of abject surrender. It is in our own best interest to forget such a story.
    • Masalas are derived from plants. They are vegetarian only not non-veg. Non veg is meat not masala.

    10) Proof of conversion:

    From Google ebooks:
    Religion and Public Culture: Encounters and Identities in Modern South India

    By Keith E. Yandell, John J. Paul
    "Komati Caste Observances and Vaisya Status":

    11) Other Vaishya castes in India across North and South :
    Modern communities:
    The Vaishya community consist of several jāti or subcastes, notably the Agrahari,Agrawals,Barnwals, Gahois, Kasuadhans, Khandelwals, Lohanas and Maheshwaris of the north; Oswals, Roniaurs, the Arya Vaishyas of Maharashtra, Odisha, Chhattisgarh, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka and Telangana, the Vaishya Vanis of Konkan and Goa, and the Modh Baniyas of the west.

    12) Caste Population in different Provinces of Colonial India in the year 1881:

    CASTE-KOMATI; TOTAL 591639 299613 292026
    CASTE-KOMATI; BERAR 5430 2719 2711
    CASTE-KOMATI; COORG 225 124 101
    CASTE-KOMATI; MADRAS 365715 184145 181570
    CASTE-KOMATI; HYDERABAD 194284 98967 95317
    CASTE-KOMATI; MYSORE  25985 13658 12327

    By: W.Chichele Plowden , ( 1883 ), The Indian Empire Census of 1881 Statistics of Population Vol. II. , Calcutta , Superintendent of Government Printing India , p. 30 

    13) Eugenics :
    Eugenics (/jˈɛnɪks/; from Greek εὐγενής eugenes "well-born" from εὖ eu, "good, well" and γένος genos, "race, stock, kin")[2][3] is a set of beliefs and practices that aims at improving the genetic quality of the human population.
    Eugenics is scientific breeding or the science of breeding. 
    Eugenics techniques are:
    1. Selective breeding. One tall and strong man called a stud, is made to mate with and impregnate many women throughout his life. Atleast some children will bear the desirable characteristics of the father. Just as in animals. And the most able sons are again made to mate and impregnate many women. This process is repeated successively over many generations. This is a natural method.
    2. Selective ivf
    3. Selective cloning. 
    4. Selective genetic engineering. 
    Single sided and double sided eugenics. 
    Prerequisite condition is people or their samples are disease free. 
    Desirable characteristics are color, height, intelligence and muscles. 

    14) Foundation of Hinduism is varnashrama dharma, so
    Ask your favourite Bra-Man or Bra-Mini this question exactly this way:
    Menarikam is practiced by whom, Rakshasas or Aryans?

    When they give the answer don't get shocked but introspect whether to leave this Hinduism or not.
    Varna Dharma: Varna means skin color and classifying society as per skin color is called Varna Dharma. Hinduism is Varna Dharma. It is the Skin colour religion. Fate, profession and opportunity are tied to skin color in this religion. Hinduism is a racist religion aligned against us and also all the Dravidians. Brahmin vermin have an ideology and that is serious jati ideology. We should be careful about that. Hinduism is racial ideology.

    Aryans and Bramans treat us as rakshasas and we are made to treat them as gods and prostrate ourselves before Brahmins. Lower (i.e. Dravidian) castes are supposed to humiliate themselves, belittle themselves in front of Aryan castes; view Aryans as masters and also forgo their due benefits and well-being for the sake of Bramans; risk their lives to save braman lives. In all Dravidians devalue their own lives in favour of Aryan lives.
    Aryan castes (the fair skinned Indian castes) were religiously authorised to live exploiting, harassing, torturing all the Dravidian castes. As per manu smriti menarikam is banned. Moreover menarikam is incest. Stop practising menarikam. 

    Also ask your favourite Bra-Man as to what his original and more serious enemies are : whether the Dravidian rakshasas or the Muslims. They will definitely say it is rakshasas except for RSS thugs.
    Rakshasas are dravidians and all dravidians are rakshasas. As per rules set by Manu in Vedic Hinduism, all rakshasas are to be subjugated. This is the belief of the Aryans (the fair skinned Indian races).
    Bramans all over India are exactly one single caste (breed) only. Do not get confused.
    • Aryan invasion theory is not just a theory it is an actual phenomenon.
    • Indo-European theory is not just a theory it is a false myth esp. when it comes to races but a valid theory when it comes to languages ONLY. Primarily because Aryans copied their language from Europeans.
    • How can dark people be vaishyas? Reflect upon this, my fellow komatis.
    Racism in Hinduism:
    • Varna= Skin color
    • Varna Ashrama Dharma= Duties based on skin color.
    • Rakshasas= Dark skinned people : All Dravidians (incl. Komatis) & Negroes.
    • Chandala= White rakshasas= children of black men who married white women.They are fairer skinned people than pure rakshasas. 
    15) Characteristics of Rakshasas :
    1. BLACK COLOR SKIN: (Varna) All black races of the world are Rakshasa jatis as per the Vedas of Hinduism. Black males are called rakshasas and black females are called Rakshasis as per Vedas.
    2. Menarikam: menarikam is a primary characteristic of the black skinned  Dravidian rakshasa races. Menarikam is seriously banned in Hinduism by Manu in Rig Veda.
    3. Men's dress for Rakshasas: Lungi  (and not dhoti as the Aryans wear) and chokka for men.
    4. Women's dress for Rakshasas: Langa, voni and ravika for women. Sari the main Aryan female garment was not originally worn by black skinned women i.e. Rakshasis.
    5. Staple food of the Rakshasas (i.e. the black skinned people) is rice. And not wheat as in the case of Aryans.
    6. Marriages for rakshasas are done as per puranams and on the other hand marriages for Aryans (i.e. the white skinned enemies of the black skinned rakshasas) are conducted as per the Vedas.

    16) Circumcision : Circumcision is the cutting off of the skin around the bulb of the penis. It is comparable to the peeling off of banana skin off the banana. It is practised by both Muslims and Christians. In other words, more than 66% of the world population is circumcised. For ex: Christmas is the birthday of Jesus Christ but New Year is 7 days later on January 1st because Jesus Christ was circumcised on the 8th day after his birth. Circumcision is done to all new born baby boys in Christianity and Islam. Furthermore, Female Genital Mutiliation also known as FGM is done to Muslim girls. 

    17) Caste and Y-Chromosome:

    Y-chromosome is identical and constant for a given tribe/caste. Oka caste ki oka y chromosome untadi. Man evolved from Protozoa via chimpanzees. Early man's progeny were differentiated into few founders of various tribes. Then Y-chromosome remained constant. That is a tribe/ ethnicity/ caste/ community. So far, for all Komatis Y-chromosome is constant and identical.

    1. Komatis rarely diversified out of commodities retail trade.
    2. Komatis are not at all a dominant caste even economically even if just Andhra-Telangana are considered.
    3. Kemeti people are the black skinned people of Egypt. Meanwhile Komati people are one of the black skinned people of Andhra.
    4. Komatis never ruled over any kingdom. Gupta Empire belongs to north Indian bania caste  does not belong to Komatis at all. Maurya empire belongs to  BCs and doesn't belong to komati caste at all. 
    5. Komati bridegrooms are not allowed to ride horses during wedding processions. This shows brahmans perpetrated caste discrimination against us.
    6. Komatis population percentage of india is about 0.168 percentage. 23 lakhs out of 137 crores of total India population.
    7. Black people are called rakshasas as per Varnashrama Dharma. Pujas that rakshasas do are called rakshasa Pujas. And Blacker the rakshasa, bigger the rakshasa and worse the rakshasa pujas.  Devout rakshasas doing pujas are bigger enemies to Aryans i.e. Devas. That is varnashrama dharma.

    8. Meena is the only actress belonging to our caste. Jamuna father is a brahman and caste is inherited from father's side alone. So jamuna is not Komati caste by definition. 

    Viewing links for videos of
    Thillana Thillana : 

    9. To verify from brahmins. 
    1. Caste is called jati in sanskrit i. E. Brahmin language. 
    2. Caste or jati means people descending from one single ancestor. 
    3. Hinduism is sanatana dharma which is actually known as varnashrama dharma or also as jati varnashrama dharma.
    4. Varna means color or skin color. 
    5. Rakshasas are black skinned people. 
    6. Menarikam is characteristic of rakshasas. And not Aryans. 
    7. Aryans are white skinned people. 
    8. Aryans and rakshasas are enemies. 
    9. Komatis are not originally Or technically aryans. 
    10. Komatis are converted to Hinduism by brahmin caste. After conversion, they wear sacred thread. 

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